West Michigan Whitecaps - Chamber Night - PUBLIC/ALL AGES Welcome
West Michigan Whitecaps - Chamber Night - PUBLIC/ALL AGES Welcome
June 8, 2018
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT
Whitecaps - Chamber Night
Sorry, registration for this event has been closed. Contact info@waylandchamber.org
Event Description:
Play Ball! Chamber Night at the Whitecaps!
Whitecaps vs. South Bend Cubs
Whitecaps vs. South Bend Cubs
Enjoy a night of baseball on a private deck with the Wayland Area Chamber of Commerce. Ticket price includes game admittance an All-You-Can eat buffet grilled on our deck for 90 minutes.
Enjoy different kids themes, entertainers, kids themed giveaway, pre-game activities, and a kids happy hour that includes concession deals and free admittance to Meijer Hometown Playground from 5:30pm - 6:30pm.
Be sure to stick around after the game for an incredible fireworks display! -
Princess Night: Princesses, bring your wands and tiaras for a night of enchantment. Take a picture with the Princesses on the concourse and with Cinderella's horse and carriage. There will also be a Post-Game Daddy Daughter dance on the field immediately following fireworks.
61Syx Breakdancers will be on display throughout the night.
Please use the online registration to RSVP by May 18, 2018
Payment - Chamber members can request to be invoiced. All others must prepay (check or credit card). Credit card payments can be made on our website www.waylandchamber.org - look for the Paypal link on the bottom, right side of the homepage. Please contact the chamber with any questions - denise@waylandchamber.org or 269-792-9246.