NEW Multi-Chamber Virtual blitzr Speednetworking

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Name: NEW Multi-Chamber Virtual blitzr Speednetworking
Date: March 12, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST
Event Description:

Multi-Chamber Virtual Speednetworking - using blitzr
Members Only Event

We invite you to join us, along with seven other West Michigan chambers, for a multi-chamber speednetworking event.

Speednetworking is a great way to meet new connections in a short window of time.  This time, we are excited to use the blitzr platform, which is specifically designed to match you up with valuable connections.  Unlike Zoom, you will NOT have repeated matches and can even control who you network with.

You’ll register for a blitzr account when you sign up for the event and then can check back in as the registration list grows.  If you see someone on the list that you want to meet, you can green light them.  See a direct competitor, or someone you already know well?  Hit the red light. Or, leave them all "as-is" and you will remain neutral. Blitzer will utilize all of that information to get you paired up for the very best matches.
Grab your coffee, and join in with members from seven different West Michigan chambers for this quick-paced event. To register, please use the link sent via email to all members.

To register, please go to:
If you want to become more familiar with how to blitz, visit

Please use a Chrome browser when using blitzer

*Please use a Chrome browser when using blitzer
Date/Time Information:
8:55am - Log on to blitzr and be ready to go
9:00am - Introduction
9:05am - 1 on 1 Networking (10 conversations, 5 minutes each)
9:55am - Feedback
9:56am - Ending Remarks
Contact Information:
FREE "member-only" event
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